Group Fitness will be offering three specialty classes in the month of June. Check them out!
- Sprint-8 (M/W 12-12:30p.m.) Join Isaiah on the second floor for a quick and intense cardio burn. Whether you're new to exercising or a seasoned athlete, this 20 minute sprint interval training class is enough to increase your cardiovascular endurance and burn fat quickly. This workout can be performed on the elliptical or treadmill. Stick with it for the month and see what results you achieve!
- xFit (T/Thurs. 11:45-12:30) Think weight-training, endurance training, body-weight training, interval training...a bit of everything. Never predictable, this class keeps fitness interesting and offers something for all levels. Join Allison on the first floor for this one.
- CyclePlus (Weds. 5:15-6) You got it...cycle, plus a bit more. Join Kylee in the Maroon Studio for a cardio burn, strength training, and core work!
Summer is the perfect time to try out group fitness! We hope you'll join us for the June session!