EKU Campus Recreation's adventure programs has a ton of amaizng trips planned for this spring semester! The trip dates and prices are below;
Horsepens 40: February 8th-10th, $45
Land of the Arches: March 9th-14th, $600 SPRING BREAK Option #1
Climbing, Caving & Hiking: March 11th-15th, $150 SPRING BREAK Option #2
Hiking Hocking Hills: March 29th-31st, $45
Underground Kayaking: April 7th, $45
Cumberland Falls Yoga & Hiking: April 21st, $20
Day Hike Turtle Back Arch: May 4th, $15
The price of the trip includes transportation, food, and any equipment necessary for each specific trip. Register today for any trip at mycampusrec!
For more information, please contact Tommy Willis at tommy.willis@eku.edu